In connection with arising questions at our Customer’s, as well as for planning ensure, today we in detail will consider of temporary the interval which passes on the average from the idea of construction or reconstruction, and in some cases and repair of country suburban house to lease of ready object to operation.
We described sequence of the order of works either services on construction, reconstruction, repair of suburban houses or development of allotment gardens in the company «Dachny master» in detail in this article. Now of time. So, after Your phone call or request left through this form, as well as after discussion of the main details of future construction, reconstruction of suburban house or economic construction we prepare and direct to You a preliminary will cost sheet to designing and performance of works. Price in it is very tentative, as it is evident that on initial data extremely difficult to define a more or less accurate price. If order of prices offered by us You is suitable, then terms of reference is developed which is approved by You after the co-ordination of all details. After the statement of target specification we sign the first contract — is design contract of the construction or reconstruction project. It is the first phase of work which takes 7-8 working days on the average (10-11 calendar days).
After development, coordination and statement of conceptual landscape design we commence the third phase — to development of working design. Development of working design on construction or reconstruction of country house or economic construction lasts on the average from 1,5 to 3 calendar weeks, following which You investigate developed working design, give us your remarks (if they will be), we correct a design documentation, repeatedly is sent to You to coordination and You approve working design. In such a manner, total time to development, coordination and the statement of working design to construction or reconstruction of suburban house accounts for about 1 month.
After the statement of design documentation the time of the third phase of cooperation, namely development of detailed estimate to construction or reconstruction of the object, conclusion of construction contract, as well as purchase of all necessary materials for construction or reconstruction comes. Total time to development, coordination and the statement of detailed estimate to construction or reconstruction of the object, as well as to preparation and conclusion of construction contract accounts for on the average 10-11 calendar days.
The main phase of our cooperation comes — erection of construction object either reconstruction of Your house or economic construction. Depending on volume of construction or reconstruction, the performance time, of course, different, but we will take the typical object and we will define time as 1,5-2 calendar months.
After performance of all works on construction or reconstruction of the object You execute their acceptance, sign the acceptance certificate and produce final accounts with us. On the average given phase takes about 1 week.
For receipt of the common picture is summable received maximum temporary intervals and we will receive that total time from idea and to it implementation can account for almost 5 months. Of course, all depends on amount of works on construction or reconstruction, but nevertheless…
We considered the main phases of construction, reconstruction of country house or economic constructions through time with You, therefore now You have opportunity to plan these procedures both on the terms of placement of the order and in the context of distribution of financing. Should you have any questions, specify them through the form of commentaries located below.
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Для начала давайте разберемся, какие типы проводок можно вообще делать в бревенчатом доме. По большому счету типа два - открытая…