
The system of filtration of water in suburban house

Task in hand: to equip the water filtration system of country house.

Progress of work: In this instance water-supply is carried out from well, therefore with the aim of determining necessity of accommodation of the filtration system and selection of the water equipment, in the first place, its analysis was conducted which showed excess in water iron, lime and sand. In most instances instead of expensive systems thrust to the buyers by manufacturers and marketing experts, it is enough to establish a few main filters with cartridges selected pursuant to received results of analysis of water from well or chink. Such system manages many times cheaper, as was performed on the object. The first coarse-mesh filter from mechanical admixtures and sand was installed in the well in interconnecting piping of feeding pump. Installation of the filter was executed on the service site mounted inside the well (we told about it here). On the photo below are presented mounted maintenance area and interconnecting piping of feeding pump with filter:

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Since water-supply of given object is performed in two stages: from well to buffer capacity, and from buffer capacity to house (we wrote in detail about it earlier) suction height satisfied for choice and installation of pump. In such a manner necessity of the installation in the well of high-pressure pump fell off. Below to photo well is presented, to the left of which the throat of buffer capacity in 3-ibc, water from which with the pumping facility injected to house:

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Interconnecting piping of pumping facility and the pipelines of hot and cold running water were made of polypropylene pipes. On the photo below is presented interconnecting piping of pump and the equipment of the boiler-room:

On pressure pipe of pumping facility main filters — filter for removal of limy impurityies, as well as deironing filter are installed, after which tube distributing is bring to manifold valves (see the photo of interconnecting piping of pumping facility and photo below):

From manifold valves the pipeline of cold water leaves to connection points, as well as to filling of boiler supplying hot water-supply. At the installation of boilers of hot water-supply the installation of safety discharge valve provided by the manufacturer for exception of steam formation in the boiler is flatly necessary and, as investigation, uncontrollable pressure rise inside the boiler, capable to result in damage. On the photo below is presented safety discharge valve and derivation to sewage system, as well as control panel of boiler mounted in distributing electric panel:

In such a manner, with the aid of the installation of clearing filters by us was excluded opportunity of hit of foreign particles, limy adjournment and iron to household equipment, (washer and dishwasher, boiler and so forth) as well as in water valves of plumbing system. For receipt of potable water additionally household system of filtration «Geyser» was installed, the photo of which is presented below:

The system of filtration installed by us trouble-free works already during two years and gladdens Customer. Periodically (approximately time every six months) replacement of cartridges main filters and the filters of household filtering system “Geyser» is produced. Since the installation of the system now siphoned off 256, 5 thousand litres of water (see photo is below):

In more detail with work progress it is possible find out more in our photogallery. Total performance time on installation of the water filtration system in country house accounted for 2 days.

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