
Safe and trouble-free electric power supply of suburban house

In given article will be considered variant of supplying of safe and without failures power supply of suburban house which was realised by us within performed work on overhaul of country house in Mytishchi district of Moscow Region (the previous reports are herehere and here).

Task in hand: to provide a safe and trouble-free electric power supply of wooden suburban house including:

— total replacement of existing electrical wiring;
— development of earth circuit;
— installation of generating unit;
— adjustment of distributing panelboards;
— installation of network protection devices (of RCD, reclosing relayes, automatic circuit-breaker).

Progress of work: For the beginning it is necessary to note that as in the most of suburban settlements of Moscow Region, given object became not exception regarding unstable electrical power supply, namely on frequent voltage gallops, both to upward and to downward as well as periodic outages of external voltage.

For understanding of that wherewith it is possible to correct a given situation, the main problems of standard electrical power supply were broken to groups. Total, in this instance:

— specifications of electric current can be increased by leaps and bounds or lowered including within the limits of, dangerous for normal operation both of the electrical wiring as a whole and household equipment in particular;
— submission of external electricity periodically disappears entirely for a term from a few hours to one day.

For the decision of specified problems of electrical power supply, in consultation with Customer, it was resolved to equip network security system including reserving of submission of the electric power (installation of generating unit), as well as installation of protective devices installed inside distributing electrical control unit. We will consider the supply system of safe and continuous power supply of suburban house more closely.

Naturally, the problem of short circuit, the leakage of the current, overheating the electrical wiring solve suitable cable section, automatic circuit-breakers and RCD which were mounted in the assembly of distributing panelboard. And problem of monitoring of characteristics of the current was offered to decide by the installation a multiplying relay (of such devices we have already told here. See fig. below), current supervising parameters of force, voltage, as well as showing instantaneously consuming capacity (i.e. under conditions of online).

The sense of work of multiplying relay of network security is in following: at adjustment of given device be defined cap and floor of strength of current and voltage, at excess of which relay switches off submission of electric current before restoration of exceeded parameters in values given at set-up. Besides inclusion takes place not at once, and in programmed period, during which is device be alert to repeat (possible) gallops. Well, and as it has already been noted, given device shows consuming capacity of all electric appliances connected to the network that very convenient for monitoring at limitations of allocated capacity on allotment garden. On the photo below is presented distributing panelboard ready-assembled:

Basically, upon condition working of system of external electrical power supply exactly in spasmodic mode, above described devices quite enough for supplying of safety operation of household equipment, but there are cases, when voltage coming to suburban house, has constant underestimated specifications. Then given system makes sense to expand by installation of the stabiliser (on given object, at pleasure of the customer, given device will be installed as well in New Year’s holidays).

With irregularities of current parameters all over, now we go on. The second problem which should be solved — it periodic switching-off of submission of the electric power including on enough extended period. Here classical decision — the installation of generating unit selected to total capacity of the main consumers was used. In this instance, Customer was chosen generating unit SKAT with self contained unit of control. That is block of automatic start of generator already goes enclosed, assembled with generating unit. We still recommend generators with remote control block which can be located indoors, but here Customer preferred self contained unit of control. Given power generator successfully was mounted, starting-up and adjustment works were performed. How the control block will behave in the conditions of our climate — will show experiment, but, by the way, till now there were no problems of. That is what this technological wonder looks like (canopy — temporary):

That’s what system of safe and continuous power supply was realised on the object of overhaul of country house.

In more detail with progress of work it is possible become acquainted in our photogallery. Total performance time of works on installation of the system of safe and continuous power supply of country house accounted for 30 days.

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