
Waterproofing of basement

Task in hand: to provide waterproofing of joints in basement.

Progress of work: In connection with high level of surface and subsoil waters on the section of Customer, as well as that at construction of basement hydraulic lock in joints between floor and walls throughout spring and autumn was not equipped, during abundant snowbreak or strong rains, in the butting positions the walls began to become soaked, and subsequently, in some places tiny cracks emerged, through which water began to enters, level of which reached 10-15 cm:

For the decision of given problem we used the series of waterproofing compositions of production of the «Penetron» company which built up a reputation for themselves, as the most qualitative and really securing waterproofing. In this instance for liquidation of pressure head flow leaks from tiny cracks compo «Peneplag» was used, and for protecting of waterproofing effect — compo «Penekrit». All are performed strictly to manufacturer’s instruction for which purpose along the perimeter basement it is performed wall chasing:

In the places of occurrence pressure head flow through tiny cracks, were increased and deepened wall chases, following which they were processed with water-proofing compo «Peneplag» intended for instant liquidation of pressure head flow (hydroseal):

After elimination of pressure head flow all perimeter of the joint was processed additionally by water-proofing compo «Penekrit» intended for waterproofing of cracks, open joints, butt joints, transitions, contiguities, deployments of communications in statically loaded modular and monolithic concrete designs:

After termination of waterproofing works for maintenance of the microclimate and supplying of circulation of air masses the system of supply and exhaust ventilation and infrared heater of premise was designed and mounted. For economy of the electric power given equipment was connected through the appropriate control units, namely meal of the ventilating fan — through humidity gauge, and meal of infrared heater — through thermostat:

In more detail with progress of work it is possible become acquainted in our photogallery. Total performance time on waterproofing of basement and accommodation of the system of maintenance of the microclimate accounted for 7 days.

Additional information: Useful information of choice of the design and building of underground premises You can gather at purchase of our book «Foundation of frame house. Classification. Choice. Construction».

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