
Serving of countryside real estate objects

Trouble with the electrical wiring, heating or water-supply? Stopped working security and fire alarms or video surveillance system? And can be it is necessary to update the face of the building, to clear field or to set out on it new vegetation? Either You were going in long-term business trip or to rest, and you do not know whom to entrust care for Your dacha?

All these questions are solved easily, if to make a pact of services with company «Dachny master». What we offer within given contract? So:

Maintenance of engineering systems of country house1. Within maintenance of engineering systems:

— maintenance of power supply systems (revealing of the reasons and repair of the electrical wiring, repair and services of generating plants);

— maintenance of heating systems (revealing of the reasons of leakages and repair of steam heating apparatus and the pipelines of heating, repair and services of boiler equipment or electric convectors);

— maintenance of water-supply facilities and water removal (revealing and debugging of water-supply facilities, water removal and water drain, repair and services of pump equipment, cleaning of the water drain, waste pipelines etc.);

— maintenance of satellite television systems and telephone industry (revealing of the reasons of no-signal, retuning of antenna systems, maintenance service and equipment repair);

— maintenance of security and fire alarm, video surveillance and access systems (diagnosing and repair of malfunctions of the system, gauges, service, repair, replacement of registrars, gauges and so forth).

Allotment gardens service2. Within services of suburban houses and gardens:

— updating of housefront, suburban constructions (tinting, small plastering works, bleaching process, etc.);

— tendance of Your household plot (ploughing of Earth under beddings, lawn mowing and bushes, killing of weed, wetting plants);

— cleaning of household plots (construction waste disposal, collection and removal of autumn foliage, snow cleaning in the winter);

— planting (underplanting) of trees, bushes and other plants (service is implemented at interaction with our partner — of nursery-garden located in Dmitrovsk district, Moscow Region).


You can conclude the contract of services at any time and for any term (no less than one month) to any kinds of set forth above services. At entering into contract bear in mind that we execute scheduled maintenance on guarantee certificates during two years free of charge, but we emphasise that guarantee certificates are a warranty to works performed only by our company within contracts to new construction, reconstruction either repair of objects or engineering systems. In all other cases it is necessary entering into contract of services.


At entering into contract of services we conform to You list and periodicity of works which we will execute observe terms installed by the contract (any other works which should be executed additionally on the arrival of service team not provided by service contract, are paid separately, but on reduced rate — on discount in 10%). Besides apart from serviceability of the equipment, once a month service specialist for diagnosing of current condition of attended equipment will leave to You.

At the same time, if any occurrence of sudden emergency situations, within services we guarantee a priority-oriented arrival of maintenance crew during 24 hours after receipt of the message from You.


Maintenance of engineering systems of country houseIt is possible to enter in a contract of services by calling to us for contract of meeting on the object for definition of the list and periodicity of works, performance of which You assume to delegate to us.

After departure of our specialist we will prepare draft treaty and will direct its to You on consideration and co-ordination, by results of whose You sign contract and you will send of its scanned image by e-mail: general We sign its for one’s part and our courier brings first copies of contracts to You for signing. After You will sign both copies, one contract copy stay at You and another copy the courier returns to us. That’s all, only need to enter an abonent payment and Your object would look and function best of all :-).


Here question most is important for Customer: what cost of services of engineering systems and allotment gardens in the company «Dachny master»? Below are presented prices for Moscow and Moscow Region (for other regions of price contractual):

— monthly abonent payment (at a rate of 4500 roubles) to which one compulsory departure to the object (once a month) of service expert, transport charges on the departure, directly the salary of the master, work on diagnosing of equipment present state with fixation in specialised facility-based journal, as well as priority-oriented departure of maintenance crew (during 24 hours) in the case of occurrence of emergency situation enters.

As you can see all is very simply! We wait service requests of Your objects. For its part we guarantee service top-level!

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