
The house projects of Open Company «Dachny master» in catalogue of the Association of wooden house construction

Dear Customers and site visitors!

We inform You that the projects of frame houses developed together with our partners — Open Company “House projects”, now (apart from section on our site) can be found in the house projects catalogue on the site «Association of wooden house construction».

«Association of wooden house construction» continuously develops, improving its activity. For example, in the near future the system of certification of organisations entering its composition will be entered. On the present phase specified system of certification will concern only industrial-building organisations, that is, those which incorporate both industrial, and building divisions, but in due course the system of certification will be extended up to other participants of the Association.

Choosing contractor for construction and repair of suburban house, it is expedient to be led by certain criteria of the evaluation, one of which is potential contractor membership in the structures of professional associations.

We aspire to make our activity maximally transparent, safe and accessible for our Customers, including for this purpose we entered the composition of the Association of wooden house construction. And in the near future our specialists will pass accreditation and certification on building-technical examination of construction of buildings and structures. Watch for our news!


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