
Catalogue of existing projects of houses and cottages on our site

Just as theatre begins at the cloakroom so too construction of suburban house or cottage begins from development of design documentation. In our articles we described very in detail what design stages happen that represents ready project and what for it is necessary… To freshen one’s knowledges, You can peruse once again articles stated earlier:

— House designing with LLC «Dachny master»;

— Conceptual landscape design;

— Outline design;

— Detail design;

— That it is more profitable: individual designing or existing project?

We have already written earlier that, as practice showed, in overwhelming majority of cases to Customers does not account for labour to find architectural, and in some cases and structural section of the project of suburban house on floating around the Internet and they already come to us with more or less designated task, for final decision of which to received sketches or design documentation should be introduced desired amendments.

In this connection we decided to concentrate on supplying of maximum quality of services directly on construction of frame houses, additional buildings and small architectural forms, delegating development of design documentation for specialised organisation. Exception, as we have already noted, is provided by additional buildings to existing suburban houses. Here all remained, as before — we reserved opportunity of project development.

Now, together with our partners (Open Company «Houses projects»), on our site is realised catalogue of ready projects of houses and cottages, in which You can choose and to purchase any interested You project. At the same time, want to note that to any projects presented on our site the architects of our partners are ready to introduce amendments accounting Your requirements.

Technical evaluation of opportunity of performance of building or repair jobsIn spite of the fact that in catalogue, apart from frame houses, submitted projects of houses of other design, any one of them can be adapted under frame proposal. The only thing, on that it is necessary to draw your attention — all modifications on projects are executed for extra charge. You can purchase the project of suburban house at the price of, specified in catalogue, on the principle of «as is».

As we have already noted in the previous article, the composition of the sections of design documentation and their volume maximally meets the requirements Government Resolution, so a bought design dossier will have enough for qualitative construction of suburban house.

We want to remind that at the order of typical projects (i.e. projects presented «as is», without any modifications) through our organisation, we can grant You discount from 5 to 15% of cost, if You order construction of suburban house at us.

Any questions interesting You, can be specified through form below either in special section of our forum or on «Comments» flap which is in card any of submitted projects of suburban houses and cottages

We will be glad to help You both with choice of the project of future suburban house and directly with its construction!

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