
Finishing of suburban house by the siding. Part 2.

As a follow-up to this report, we quote the next description of works on repair of suburban housefront executed by our company in one of suburban settlements on Pyatnitsa Highway in Moscow Region.

Task in hand: In last report we quoted description of works on dismantle of the siding on housefront and warming of walls of suburban house with fusion-bonded polyurethane foam. On completion of specified works it is about of restoration of decorative house finish by the siding came, of what today and we will talk. So, task in view is to do up a house earlier demounted by the siding, and ap socle of house to do up by the plinth panels.

Progress of work: As we have already written in last report, after dismantle of siding wall furring was restored and metal framing on the ap socle was mounted, therefore the first phase of works on finishing of suburban housefront became finishing a socle and installation of socle drip. On the photo below You can see process and result of these works:

After the ap socle was jacketed by plinth panels, it is time to face finishing by the siding. At finishing of the face «by the siding of reusability» it is necessary to remember that after walls warming outside, their sizes are increased to heat insulation thickness, so it is necessary prematurely to take care of to buy in addition a siding. Installation of siding is executed in following sequence:

— diagonals on wall «are shoot back»; — vertical decorative elements are mounted (angles); — maximally clearly, in azimuth, 2-3 lines of starting panels of siding are exhibited; — is installed of other siding in terms of front face area with procutting of openings beneath windows and doors; — overhand band are sheathed (roof projection); — embrasures finishing is restored (installation of slopes and low tides on windows and doors).

Naturally that at installation of siding, in spite of the fact that starting panels are exhibited, the control of horizontality should be executed periodically, for example through 3-4 lines. On the photo below You can see process and result of works on installation of siding on suburban housefront:

As it has been already noted above, closing stages on finishing of suburban house by the siding became jacketing of overhand band (roof projection) and restored of embrasures finishing (installation of slopes and low tides on windows and doors):

Result of works on repair of the suburban housefront and on weatherization of walls with fusion-bonded polyurethane foam You can see in the following photos:

It remained to complete small items, but general idea is clear already now, therefore in following review we will not come back to this work, and we will continue from description of following phase of works executed on this object — reconstruction of blind area.

In more detail with progress of work it is possible become acquainted in our photogallery. Total performance time of works on house finishing by the siding accounted for 12 days.

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